Badgers, Wi Fi and Webcams


Badgers, Wi-fi and Webcams


The third newsletter this week !!!


So much has been happening at Trewoon, yesterday a new improved webcam went live.


Web Cam Poldhu Cove views from luxury seaside holiday cottages


From the still photo taken from the web cam this morning you can see how much better the picture quality is. We hope you enjoy.


In the next week or so we are having cables laid to all the cottages so that you can enjoy enhanced wi-fi in all three. The conference room will still be available for those who wish to use the facilities and now that the office has moved from Trewoon those facilities are available 24/7.


Badger Watch Poldhu Cove Luxury Seaside cottages


I have received a fantastic video of the badger affectionately known as J Edgar as he hoovers up the peanuts outside the french doors of The Chocolate Box. Thank you Phil and Jeanette for sharing.

Here is the link if you would like to watch, it is well worth it.

or you can find it at (under the video tab on )

J Edgar also visits us each night hence he is a very BIG badger. He and the other badgers will be feeding outside the French doors at By The Seashore so you will be able to badger watch from this cottage.



Have a wonderful weekend - Nicola, Ray, Poppy and Blue

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